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Hatsun Agro | Comopany biography | R G Chandramogan |
Selling Ice Creams on PushCarts, To an Owner of billion Dollar Company.
A Collage Drop Out Makes a Billion-Dollar Company with 13K investment. do we ever think about how it all started? Here is the Legend Behind the story R. G. Chandramogan, Son of a Mr. Ganesan who owned a provision store in Chennai. about it,

In 1979 R G Chandramogan Drop out of college to Support his Family and Founded RG Chandramogan and Co. It makes Ice creams and they sell it on Pushcarts day and Night for the growth of there business
He Invested 13K by selling his family Property and started preparing ice creams and sold on Streets at 10 Paise on Pushcarts.
It was a risky Business as the Market was ruled by Kwality, Amul, and Rita Dairy products but it generated a revenue of 1.5Lakh rupee in the First Anual year
And all It had started, In 1986 the name of the company was changed to Hastun Foods Private Ltd and its well-known brands Arun, Arokya, and Hatsun are a leader in the segments of ice creams, Milk and Curd.
And by the early 1990's the revenue crossed Rs.3 Crore mark and today it became Rs. 15,850Cr Company that exports 38 Countries.
Every day, Hutsun gets milk directly from 4,00,000 dairy Farmers Spread across 13,000 villages in India.
Now the net worth of R G Chandrmogan is $ 1.6Bn and he says "Today, the turnover e make in 30min is equal to what we used to make in the 10 years of our Bussiness".
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