Hacking Techniques & Intrusion Detection

                     Metasploit Framework

Powerful hacking tools: Metasploit » IT Security for Managers

                            Outline - 1

What is MSF? 
• Metasploit Framework
 – Architecture 
– Components
 – Libraries
 – Interfaces
 – Modules 
– Utilities
 – Plugins 
• MSF Core Commands

                                    Outline - 2

• MSF Database
    – Basic Usage 
• Auxiliary Modules
• Payloads
• Generating Shellcodes 
• Creating Executable Files
• Encoding Executables 
• Multi Handler Exploit 
• Meterpreter
    – How it works 
    – Design Goals
 • MSF Evasion 
• DEMO(s)

What is MSF?

• Not just an open-source tool!
 • It‟s an Exploitation Framework designed for security researchers and pentesters with a uniform model for rapid development of:
 – Recon,
 – Exploits,
 – Payloads,
 – Encoders,
 – Vulnerability Testing
 – Post-Exploitation
 – Pivoting
 – Others? (please add)

MSF Architecture

MSF Auxiliary Modules

MSF Components

• The Metasploit Framework is a modular system based on a few core components: 
    – Libraries, 
    – interfaces,
    – modules,,
    – mixins, 
    – and plugins. 

MSF Libraries

• Rex (Ruby Extension Library): – Provides Sockets, protocols, text transformations 
• Msf::Core (Core library / msfcore): – enables exploits, sessions, and plugins to interact with the different interfaces. 
• Msf::Base (Base library / msfbase): – provides wrapper routines and utility classes that you can use to easily work with the Core library.

Metasploit Interfaces

• MSFconsole  interactive 
• MSFcli  scripting 
• MSFweb  as the name implies 
• MSFgui  java based GUI 
• and Armitage  interactive GUI 

MSF Modules 

• Core components of MSF 
• A piece of software that can perform a specific action. (ex: exploitation, fuzzing, and scanning).
 • Modules are found in the following directory:
 • /metasploit/msf3/modules. • Categorized by type and then by protocol. 
• MSF Modules include:
    – Exploit 
    – Auxiliary
    – Post-Exploitation 
    – Payload 
    – NOP generator 
    – Payload encoder

MSF Utilities 

• MSFpayload 
   – Generate shellcode and executables. 
• MSFencode 
   – Alter payloads so that the original payload does not contain any bad characters. 
• Msfvenom 
   – Combination of both MSFpayload and MSFencode, which provides standard CLI options and 
       increased speed

MSF Plugins 

• Plugins work directly with the API. 
• Manipulate the framework as a whole. 
• Plugins hook into the event subsystem. 
• Automate specific tasks which would be tedious to do manually. 
• Plugins only work in the msfconsole. 
• Plugins can add new console commands. 
• Extend the MSF functionality.


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